The impact of strategies sentences chains and concepts maps in the collection of material of history at the fourth grade students of literary

The impact of strategies sentences chains and concepts maps in the collection of material of history at the fourth grade students of literary


  • م.د. محمد ابراهيم علي جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية بنات


The goal of this research is to identify the impact of strategies sentences chains and maps concepts in the collection of material of history at the fourth-grade literary students, the researcher chose the sample of 110 students were selected Qsidia from junior high (Warka) affiliated to the Directorate-General for Education Karkh II / Baghdad for the academic year 2015 -2014 m, have been distributed in three equal groups by (36) students in the experimental group first started studying the strategy sentences chains, while the second experimental group were 36 students studying strategy concept maps, while the third group, a control group reached (38) students She studied in the usual way And coined the researcher (30) paragraph of multiple choice, and honesty is a good test specifications after the presentation to a group of experts and got (80%), and the stability of the rate of (80%), the researcher has to equal the three groups in a number of variables (chronological age measured in months, the academic achievement of the father and mother, intelligence)

The researcher found the following results:

1-superiority of the first experimental group taught strategy sentences chains on the second experimental group taught strategy concept maps.

  1. outweigh the first experimental group and the second experimental group taught Pastraticeti sentences chains maps concepts on the control group, who studied in the usual way.



