Complaints and appeals

Midad Al-Adab Journal carefully examines all complaints, Impeachments and allegations in accordance with the Committee of Publishing Ethics'(COPE) guidelines. This applies to all cases submitted before and after publication.

Midad Al-Adab Journal also welcomes the appeals, which are dealt with by the journal's editors, who assess the validity of the appeal when approved. Consequently, a new editorial decision will be taken based on the results of the assessment.

When a complaint is submitted to the journal, it must go through the editors of the journal, who must address this issue in accordance with COPE's guidelines, and when necessary, the allegations must be submitted to the appropriate committee for further investigation in order to determine the outcome of which. The published record is updated accordingly, with a post-publishing notification in the form of correction or withdrawal.

This notification is linked to the original article along with linking the Permanent Digital Body Compass (DOI) and the URL supplier locator to the notification and the full article. This further reinforces the transparency and integrity of the publication record.