Cartography and geomorphological analysis of the different geomorphic forms in the region of Arabia Terra – Mars

Cartography and geomorphological analysis of the different geomorphic forms in the region of Arabia Terra – Mars


  • Ahmad S. Yasien Al-Gurairy مدرس دكتور في جامعة القادسية – كلية الآداب,
  • Mohamed S. Salih Al-Jubory جامعة بغداد – كلية الآداب – قسم الجغرافية و خبير أقدم في وزارة التربية (متقاعد


Keywords: planet Mars, planet Earth, space geomorphology, Arabia Terra, geomorphological map of Mars, geological map of Mars.


This study sheds light on geomorphological phenomena that spread on the surface of Earth's twin planet (Mars), and we believe that it will fill a void in what has been published about these phenomena in Arabic, especially after planetary geomorphology has become a stand-alone specialization and has a bright future in planning future missions to explore our system. solar system and achieve a broader understanding in the field of cosmic geomorphology. Benefiting from the study of the geomorphological phenomena spread on the surface of Mars provides us with clear evidence of geomorphological activity that was pervading the surface of this planet in previous geological eras. Then the activity of these factors diminished with the passage of time gradually, but their effects remained as a witness to that geomorphological activity. Since the nineteenth century AD, researchers have paid attention to the similarities between the phenomena of the surface of Mars and their counterparts on the surface of Earth, and that similarity led them to hypothesize many hypotheses about the existence of life on the surface of this planet.

In view of the vastness of the surface of Mars and the variation of the geomorphological phenomena spread on it, our study focused on a part of it that the Italian astronomer (Giovanni Schiaparelli) called Arabia Terra (which means the Land of the Arabs) in 1879, due to the presence of a great similarity between the terrestrial phenomena in this section and those geomorphological phenomena prevailing in the country. Arabic, after he monitored it with his humble tools at the time.

Generally, its focuses on describing and analyzing the terrain phenomena of the surface of Mars, especially those created by hydrological and wind activity, in addition to weathering factors and the impact of ice on the region. It also aims to try to touch the remaining effects of these activities, especially the wind ones, especially since the Martian geomorphology has the ability to provide us with deeper insights into the early development of the planet. Likewise, what supports the effect of winds in shaping the surface of Mars is the images provided by space data proving the existence of air vortices - the Devil Tower, which have a clear effect on the surface of this planet and its various geomorphological forms, which confirms the presence of an atmosphere that still affects the formation of the surface of the planet red, and that it did not completely lose its atmosphere as was previously thought.

