The use of GIS spatial techniques in the spatial analysis of educational services Municipality of Hay Al-Andalus / Libya

The use of GIS spatial techniques in the spatial analysis of educational services Municipality of Hay Al-Andalus / Libya


  • Ms. Amna Mohammed Al-Eisouq قسم الجغرافيا ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية، كلية الآداب، جامعة طرابلس، طرابلس، ليبيا


Keywords: GIS spatial techniques, spatial analysis, planning.


Educational services are among the necessary services that must be provided to the community, so their study is considered one of the important topics of interest to geographical studies in spatial space.

The importance of spatial planning for land uses inside and outside cities and how to distribute them and spread services in a scientific, thoughtful and organized manner, especially educational services and others, which are among the priorities that must be taken into account, and will help solve the problems of educational services and improve the performance of the individual in his community This study aims to study spatial analysis For public educational services in the municipality of Hay Al-Andalus to identify the geographical distribution of educational services in the municipality and the use of planning criteria for educational services using geographic information systems (GIS), such as the criterion for distance, directional distribution, the average center, the impact range of the service, the population’s share of these educational services, and the spatial suitability for the establishment of educational schools according to the population needs in the region the study .

