Analysis of the structure of the activity of large food industries in the city of Baghdad and its problems

Analysis of the structure of the activity of large food industries in the city of Baghdad and its problems


  • Dr. Salam Khamis Gharbi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher: Omar Liqa Lotfi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


Keywords : Industries specialization, Water shortage, Industrial sector


This study came to highlight the large food industries in the city of Baghdad, and relied on a set of quantitative statistical methods such as (concentration coefficient, specialization coefficient, industrial location coefficient, nearest neighbor analysis, standard distance, spatial analysis), and at the level of industrial activities in the city Baghdad.

And after analyzing the structure of food industries in the city of Baghdad, it was found that it includes (19) industrial activities, and this explains the nature of the diversity of food industries in it, The study showed a clear industrial specialization for the manufacture of soft drinks and grain milling  , with an industrial concentration of (0.46) in addition to the existence of (16) endemic industrial branches and (6) non-endemic industries. The biggest, difficulty problem Marketing, which constituted (15.02%), while the problem of government support came in the second place, at a rate of (14.84%), while in the third place came the problem of old machinery and equipment, and it constituted a rate of (14.68%), and the least affecting problems are the problems of water shortage and Environmental effects. The study concluded with a number of proposals that could develop this industrial sector to be able to compete with international products.

