The significance of the functional vocal formation for the speakers, and its effect on Quranic performance

The significance of the functional vocal formation for the speakers, and its effect on Quranic performance


  • A. M. Dr.. Bilal Abdul-Star
  • M. M .Oday Ahmad Khazaal


             Human languages are divided into two types: tonal languages in which the meaning of some words is determined by changing their tone, and tonal languages in which the meaning of the sentence varies according to the diversity of its tunes that are pronounced, and our Arabic is of this type. In this research, we have studied the functional phenomena of phonemic formation in the Holy Qur’an. The change of tone is related to the significance of the sentence in the verse, and it may appear in the context of a complete surah or a set of verses that deal with a situation. We see it varies according to the diversity of the situation and the context. Speakers have a clear effort to monitor and explain these phenomena. And this research comes in a series of functional applied audio Quranic studies. The toning varies according to the Quranic context to ascending, level and descending. Likewise, the accent becomes primary and secondary, and so on, according to the significance of the contextual position of the Quranic text.

              This research has been marked by (the significance of the functional vocal formation among the modernists and its effect on the Qur’anic performance). The three axes played a role in the use of the phenomenon of toning and tone in the Quranic performance. As the first axis of it: (a brief history of the two phenomena). The second axis: (the phenomenon of toning and its applications in the Holy Quran). As for the last axis, it was entitled: (The phenomenon of stress and its applications in the Holy Quran.


