The grammatical direction in the letters of Qatrib in his book (Meanings of the Quran)

The grammatical direction in the letters of Qatrib in his book (Meanings of the Quran)


  • Prof. Ahmed Seham Rashid (Ph.D.) الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Saif El-Din Diyaa Abboud الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Keywords: Parts of speech, Letter and Qatrib


The letter is one of the indivisible parts of speech, the noun, the verb and the letter, and its function is clear in completing the pure Arabic sentence, as it is one of its complements.  It forms a link with nouns and verbs in making the meaning required by the state of the sentence, and it is the part that leads to the meaning in itself, and it has an importance that is reflected in the general concept of the Arabic sentence.

 As for our friend Qatrib, he had a grammatical look at explaining the importance of letters, using his abundant knowledge, referring to the many pieces of evidence on it so as to strengthen arguments and reinforce the concept.

