The Laws of Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Science According to Ibn Taymiyyah An Inductive and Methodological Study of the Rules Governing the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Thought

The Laws of Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Science According to Ibn Taymiyyah An Inductive and Methodological Study of the Rules Governing the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Thought


  • Dr. Jaafar bin Abd Al-Rahman bin Jameel Qassas الأستاذ المشارك بقسم الدراسات القضائية كلية الدراسات القضائية والأنظمة جامعة أم القرى


Keywords: Principles of Islamic jurisprudential thought, principles of jurisprudential dispute references, general fundamental principles, jurisprudence of Ibn Taymiyyah. .


This article is concerned with editing the general laws governing the principles of Islamic jurisprudential thought, setting the general principles regulating the consideration of science and its rules, which evaluate its origins, organize its issues and explain its nature, this is from the viewpoint of the scholar Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728 AH), it aims at listing the general laws of the principles of jurisprudence and the overall fundamentals and revealing them in a way that helps to establish the rules of knowledge and correct the course of principles of Islamic jurisprudential thought and straighten its discordance, and also the manifestation of the Taymi role in establishing those governing laws and highlighting their impact on a number of his researches on the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, by adhering to the inductive approach and the description approach and analysis in establishing the general laws, and then the deductive approach in building on them.

The research was concluded by mentioning the most important findings which included: alerting the importance of the general laws of the science of jurisprudence and the greatness of their impact on shaping its structure, visualizing its function, defining its characteristics and deciding its issues, trying to limit these overall fundamentals into ten general laws is generally accepted by the entire scholars of Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, this ten principles are: the demonstration of the text, the reference of the text, the text being in Arabic, the inclusion of the text for people and facts, the consideration of the text's purposes, the complementarity of the text, the sufficiency of the evidence, the compatibility of the correct evidence, the eligibility of the provider of an evidence, and the consideration of the opinion in the sources of ijtihad (independent reasoning).

