The dialectic of the ego and the otherness in the collection of poems titled (Tarateel fawqa kharitat al-ishiq) by the poet (Hafez Al-Shammari)

The dialectic of the ego and the otherness in the collection of poems titled (Tarateel fawqa kharitat al-ishiq) by the poet (Hafez Al-Shammari)


  • Instr. Siham Hassan khudhur (Ph.D.) الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية طب الاسنان


Keywords: (Ego, the otherness, dichotomy, opposites, poetic intentions)


The dialectic dichotomy of ego and otherness constituted the contemporary critical culture a new concept regarding the analysis of poetic texts in particular. Therefore, many critics took on their shoulders to investigate the background of such texts depending of the such dischotomy. And from here came to me the implementation of some artistic manifestations that disclose the purposes of most of the models of the collection of the poet / Hafez Al-Shammari for analysis in the light of that dichotomy; To define areas of intent in a way that agrees with the poet's intent without jumping on the text or twisting the necks of semantics in it.

