Social Features in Alfaraj Ba'da Alshida Book by The Judge Altanokhy Dead (384 Ah /994 AD ) Historical Study

Social Features in Alfaraj Ba'da Alshida Book by The Judge Altanokhy Dead (384 Ah /994 AD ) Historical Study


  • أ.د. داود سلمان خلف الزبيدي جامعة بغداد /كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية - قسم التاريخ
  • د. ايمان عبد الجبار محمود التميمي جامعة بغداد /كلية التربية ابن رشد للعلوم الانسانية - قسم التاريخ


Keywords: social features, Alqadi Al-Tanukhy, AlFaraj Ba'da Alshida


   Judge al-Tanoukhy, who died in the year 384 AH / 994 AD, wrote his book AlFaraj Ba'da Alshida in his late days, after several ordeals he faced, and God Almighty saved him from them. And in our research whose title is (Social Features in the Book of AlFaraj Ba'da Alshida by Judge Al-Tanoukhy… A Historical Study), we dealt with a presentation of his life, as well as an introduction to his book AlFaraj Ba'da Alshida, We then took up the social aspects presented by Judge Al-Tanukhy in his book in the context of his account of his stories in the book, since much of the book's information was about sightings and hearing of him, while he was in Basra and later in Baghdad, and his contemporaneous with the Boehian princes in general, and the Sultan, who was the bent of the Boehi State e in particular.

Although the book was a story of incidents, facts and suffering, it included a thorough description of the nature of society in Iraq at the time. It was a home, a livelihood, a variety of clothing and social strata, living alive, and different neighborhoods, as well as policies that affected social life, such as seizures and arrests.

