Facilitation of Arabic language syntax Between Aljawary & Almkhzoumy comparative study

Facilitation of Arabic language syntax Between Aljawary & Almkhzoumy comparative study


  • Asst. Prof. Dr. FATIMA NADHIM AL-ATTABI وزارة التربية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج


Keywords: syntax facilitation, Aljawary, Almkhzoumy


The Arabic language may be in the first rank among the languages ​​of the world that have received the attention of its people, and the strangest thing is that it may be in the same rank among the languages ​​that have been criticized by its people and the attempt to reform or facilitate it. The facilitation attempts have been numerous since the beginning of the Arabic linguistic study. In fact, these attempts did not find a way to be applied on the ground. This may be because they did not provide radical solutions to the problems and difficulties of Arabic, so they were named and recorded in the Arabic linguistic history page (attempts to facilitate). What counts for many of them is that they were characterized by seriousness and scientific sobriety, which made them worth of praising, study and remembrance. Among these important facilitation attempts in our heritage were two great Iraqi scholars, Dr. Mahdi Al-Makhzoumi and Dr. Ahmed Abdul-Sattar Al-Jawari. The current research will present a brief balancing study of what they presented in this field in their two books (On Arabic Grammar, Criticism and Guidance) by Al-Makhzoumi, and (Towards Al-Tayseer) by Al-Jawari. Not to mention the features of both references.

