Guidance methods for social worker specialists and their reflections on the educational environment according to some variables from their point of view

Guidance methods for social worker specialists and their reflections on the educational environment according to some variables from their point of view


  • Assistant Instructor Halima Khalaf Shawka Saleh وزارة التربية/الرصافة الاولى ع-الفراهيدي للبنين


Keywords (guidance methods-social studies supervisors-learning environment)


The research goal is to know the relationship between the importance of supervisory guidance methods and the degree of their practice from their point of view and the research sample consisted of (42) supervisors on six directorates of education in Baghdad province, the researcher used the descriptive method, and counted on the resolution tool for the study, it included five supervisory methods, considered one of the most the following statistical methods were employed: (repetitions-percentages-arithmetic averages-berason correlation coefficient).The most important results The research found:

1- There is an intermediate correlation between the importance of supervisory methods and the degree of practice of Supervisors of social competence.

2-There is also a high correlation between the degree of importance of supervisory methods and the degree of their practice, attributable to the supervisor's gender social competence, his scientific qualification and years of Service. And the most important thing the researcher recommended:

1-Developing the criteria for selecting supervisors of social competence in accordance with the requirements of modern education .

2-Establishing a specialized supervision department in the faculties of education and the numbers of Supervisors capable of the profession of supervision, especially that the profession of supervision is different from the teaching performance because it takes multiple dimensions.

