The performance mechanisms of the performance and the scenography of the Iraqi theater show

The performance mechanisms of the performance and the scenography of the Iraqi theater show


  • Assist Prof. Dr. Mudhafer Kadhem Mohammed جامعة بغداد / كلية الفنون الجميلة


Key words: (Mechanisms, acting performance, scenography, open theater performance).



The development of mechanisms for performing in the theater depends on many factors and elements that build the theatrical process, and the various theatrical and representative theatrical schools have contributed to this development.

      The research included the introduction, which included the research problem and its importance, which sheds light on the actor's mechanism of work, as well as the aim of the research, which intentionally identified the mechanism of representative performance and (the scenography) of presentation, its temporal, spatial and objective limits. And define the terms included in the title of the research, such as (scenography, mechanisms, Iraqi theater, open play).

     The theoretical framework included two topics: the first: the evolution of representative performance mechanisms in Iraq, and the second topic: the concept of scenography and open theatrical performance. It also included research procedures represented by the research community and the research sample, which was intended intentionally represented by the Iraqi actress (Awatif Naeem), and the research tool. The research has come out with many results, including: The open space of the presentation contributed the absolute freedom to the spontaneity of the representative performance. And that the performance of the performance was based on many of the performance skills on complementarity with the (scenography) presentation. The research also came out with some conclusions, including: Representative performance contributes to drawing the mark of the display (scenography). The open theatrical performance gives the actor complete freedom.
      He then provided a list of sources and references, a summary in English and a list of margins.

