التفاوض الإلكتروني

التفاوض الإلكتروني


  • د. مها نصيف جاسم الجامعة العراقية / كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية
  • د. رشا عامر صادق الجامعة العراقية / كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية


Most often, when contracts are important for parties wishing to establish relations, this final agreement establishing these relations precedes negotiations that can last for a long time in view of the subject matter of the contract and the nature of the mutual obligations and the technical, financial and legal matters involved or the implications thereof Of each team to achieve its objectives and to ensure the good implementation and sometimes comes to be the validity of negotiators is limited, forcing them to return to the original project owner to view their findings and take instructions or approval.
The expenses of preparing the final contract in the important contracts may be high, including technical and financial lessons, legal advice, transfer to the site, correspondence and telephone communications, and the formation of a negotiating team of technicians. Therefore, negotiations must be conducted within a framework of seriousness and good faith, preserving the interest of the parties in order to avoid wasting money without any use. Therefore, the safety of dealing between individuals and the keenness on their cooperation through the contract to be concluded, and in order to make it achieve its economic and social objectives without the implementation of obstacles or problems resulting from misunderstanding or assessment or disguise deceptive or bad faith, impose on The negotiators are responsible for the media and the information, so that each of them is aware of the subject of negotiation and the nature of the thing or obligation on which the negotiation and the expected benefit and benefits of the contract and the reliability of the specifications and performance of the subject matter of the contract if there was a defect in one of these factors adversely affected the outcome of the negotiation and perhaps beyond To the same contract if it was concluded. While the second topic will be devoted to the study of commitments in electronic negotiations

