العوامل المؤثرة في التحول الديمقراطي

العوامل المؤثرة في التحول الديمقراطي


  • أ.م.د. زياد جهاد حمد الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية


The our search deals with The influential factors in Democratic Transition Requirements which based on Democratic theory , which underlie the important of search in rise basis on and requirements of Democratic theory which many talk more academic and nonacademic so the necessary for search deep form in requirements of Democracy and show the importance reference useful of students about this important theory .

The hypothesis of search: the search for any political and thought theory necessitating on researcher deepening in depths subject intended search it, and any search must be based on ingredients building, in famous any building need to ingredients, and democracy it’s a very important in political and thought theory, that must based on some on ingredients that is the goal of search. also the influence to achieve democratic transition non escape, because the democratic transition in third world states still in the first stage, and it need more effects to maintains on achieve and become the speech on influence factors in democratic transition necessity scientific urgent

The structure of search: the search divided into introduction and two investigations and conclusion. the one investigation come titled democratic transition define and types. the two investigation come titled influential factors in democratic transition which divided into two demands :- one demands come titled internal factors which divided into :-

  • authoritarian systems and use political violence
  • political culture
  • economic factor
  • the rule of civil society institutions
  • political parties. while two demands come titled external factors divided into :-
    1. the influence of new international system
    2. globalization
    3. the pressure of international institutions finance
    4. the pressure of major powers to use international aids
    5. the pressure of formal international institutions such as united nations and in formal international institutions
    6. the war and external invasion.

The end of this study comes to materialize from hypothesis and its truth and arrived to many conclusions .

