قطلونية دراسة في أحوالها السياسية والعسكرية من نهاية عصر الخلافة (316-422هـ/928-1030م) حتى نهاية عصر الموحدين (540-620هـ/1145-1223م)

قطلونية دراسة في أحوالها السياسية والعسكرية من نهاية عصر الخلافة (316-422هـ/928-1030م) حتى نهاية عصر الموحدين (540-620هـ/1145-1223م)


  • م. د. سعاد بدير هاشم البهادلي وزارة التربية/متوسطة عز الدين سليم للبنين/الرصافة الثالثة


We highlight findings through our study of the political and military history of Catalonia and during study and display the vocabulary of this research:-

1) The study found that the military operations led by the Muslims in Catalonia, led to the power of Islamic influence in spite of the fractures and losses in the Islamic state of Andalusia.2) The study proved that the era of the states of the sects after the fall of the Umayyad caliphate, the princes of the sects were keen to retain the state, despite their request to help the kings of Christians and the mercenary soldiers because of the conflicts between them.3) The reasons for the strength of the Christians during the last Islamic eras of its history lie in the ongoing wars between the Muslim rulers of Catalonia themselves until some of them use the Christian messengers on the one hand and on the other the strength of the relationship that links the Catalan with a high state and the alliances and support of the Christian elements, Such alliances in the Union of Catalonia with the Kingdom of Aragon in the year 532 AH/1137 AD4) The importance of the religious factor as a force factor and an assistant in the power of Christians, as it is no less important and influential than the political and geographical factor, especially with the efforts of the Pope, such as Pope Orban II, who took away the Tarqona of the Muslims in 410 AH/1010 AD, besides the role of the Dawa Knights especially The beginnings of her appearance in Barcelona.

