أثر قاعدة السياق القرآني في ترجيح حكم استقبال القبلة

أثر قاعدة السياق القرآني في ترجيح حكم استقبال القبلة


  • د. أحمد محيي الدين صالح الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Quran is the main source of legitimacy in charge of the provisions of the Muslims, which is the most important source for the development of Islamic jurisprudence, it is important to understand the rules of the Quranic text correctly for the proper development of legal provisions of it: the Quranic context base.

The context is intended to: a set of verbal clues and the current function on the intent of the speaker through speech relay and regularity of his earlier and later.

Vicu Quranic context: it is what surrounds the Quranic text of internal or external factors, have an impact in his understanding, from an earlier or later it, or if the case of the addressee, the addressee, and the purpose for which they were driven to him, and the atmosphere that descended in it.

Quranic context is a presumption of important clues through which to understand the speech accurately.

In the search you -bon Allah practical study of the base Quranic context into account in the development of legal provisions, and the Applied study deals with the verses of conversion kiss prayer in Sura, where the research context types that surround the precious verses and their impact in determining the meaning of verses accurately.

The research in the context of the impact of the development of the rule of tipping reception direction for the run on the Kaaba for a worshiper, where scholars differed in the distant rule for Kaaba Is it due diligence in the same injury when you receive it? Or he must be diligent in only injury destination?

The research study this doctrinal issue in the light of the Quranic context.

The Almighty God according to the division of this research on two topics:

First topic: Context Quranic definition and authoritative and types: and the two demands

First requirement: the language of the definition of context and idiomatically

The second requirement: Authentic Quranic context and types in terms of level

The second topic: the rule of reception direction in the context of the Qur'an: and the three demands:

First requirement: the views of scholars in the rule of reception direction

The second requirement: Context Quranic verses to transform direction

Third requirement: Context impact on the significance of the rule of reception direction

Then followed by a conclusion that the most important results


