الأمير عثمان بن عبد المؤمن(حاكم غرناطة) دراسة في سيرته الذاتية وأثره العسكري والإداري في بلاد المغرب والأندلس

الأمير عثمان بن عبد المؤمن(حاكم غرناطة) دراسة في سيرته الذاتية وأثره العسكري والإداري في بلاد المغرب والأندلس


  • أ.م.د. علي عطية شرقي جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية (ابن رشد)


 As a matter of fact, the Prince Othman bin Abdul-Mamin is considered as one of the characters that have played an important role in stabilizing Al-Mohadia State in Morocco and Andalusia. He actually, comes in third place after his brothers Caliph Abu Jacob and Abu Hafs, the Minister.

Many studies have looked at the issue of the emergence and establishment of Al-Mohadia State and the role of Abdul-Mamin and his sons. However,  it focused on the two brothers Abu Jacob as the Caliph and Abu Hafs who is the second man. Concerning, Osman Ibn Abdul-Mamin did not be highlighted too much. Because this the aim of our search is to highlight on the important aspects of the political personality and his political influence and administration of the state. In addition, of being a military commander and successful administrative, he was a knowledge-loving, where made his favorite scientists closer to get benefits in the service of the state.

It is important to mention that the reign of Amir Abu Said  is one of the most important achievements in the political, cultural, economic and scientific aspects, which are a natural extension of that renaissance that  witnessed by the reign of his father, Abd Al-Momin and his sons

