سياقات الدعاء والابتهال في آل عمران وغاياتها

سياقات الدعاء والابتهال في آل عمران وغاياتها


  • الدكتورة وسن محمود لطيف الجامعة العراقية - كلية التربية للبنات


 This paper is titled (contexts of supplications and invocations in Surat AL-Imran and their objectives)

So, the paper is divided into introduction, two chapters and conclusions.

And the first chapter deals with supplication, it means an independent spiritual phenomenon derived from believers, and it sub-divided into two demands:

The first one included context of manner which is part of context of situation. Moreover, it depicts the social, psychological and cultural environment of the speaker whereas; the second one was about the context of pedagogy in the Glorious Qur'an, it is a partial context deeply related to context of manner or context of situation. Furthermore, the context of pedagogy is specialized in Muslim group pedagogy that discovers the hidden instinctive motives where deviation is started from this point if there is no permanent vigilance.

As for the second chapter, it is about invocation and I explained that invocation must be for Al-mighty Allah only; the reality of Al-mighty Allah's oneness of invocation is for him only. Then, the worldly reality is dedicated for Al-mighty Allah as well.  


