أثر القراءات القرآنية في تعدد الأوجه الإعرابية (المفاعيل إنموذجاً)

أثر القراءات القرآنية في تعدد الأوجه الإعرابية (المفاعيل إنموذجاً)


  • م.د. عباس حميد سلطان الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Quran readings have attracted ancient and modern scholars' concern  as those readings represent many  conceptions for those studying grammar and language  ; besides, these readings represent highly authentication and  absolutely truthfulness , from which taken as accurate witnesses . The readings have been considered as rich- information field from which scholars and others enrich their study to be documented.

To what has been mentioned , we want to know effect of Quran readings on syntaxes amongst readers and to know bases which Quran readings ' syntaxes based on  . Thus, we have applied on what is coming to be known as the fifth objects (Mafa'il) and in order  to reach to this goal, the research has been divided into preface  and five parts and then conclusion  .

The preface comes with the title coming under the name of "Readings of Quran  and Mafa'il " conceptions and indications . In this preface , I have dealt with showing the conception of readings in respect to linguistic viewpoint ,  difference between the reading and readings , parts of readings  and position of grammarian in regard to Quran readings pretexts in addition to the significance of "Mafa'il" and its divisions.

The 1st part comes under the title known as (Absolute object) , in which I have tried to show the conception of unrestricted object  and then I have dealt with Quran verses in which this word occurs and other syntaxes.

The 2nd part comes under name of " Object "  which I show conception of object  and then I have taken Quran verses  as a witness for using this word.

3rd part  comes under the title " Causative object" . In this part I have shown  the conception of causative object"  and then I have taken Quran verses as a witness for having use this kind of object.

4th part comes under the title of " Concomitant object" . in this part I have dealt with this as to show this kind of object  and then I have taken from Quran verses as a witness for using this type of object.

5th part:     deals with adverbial object  in which I have shown the conception of this kind of object  and then I have taken from Quran verses as a witness for using that type of object and other syntaxes.        

