(Methods and features of the deductive approach in the late Imami interpretations)

(Methods and features of the deductive approach in the late Imami interpretations)


  • Muhannad Hamid Thajeel Nasser طالب دكتوراه، قسم علوم القرآن والحديث، جامعة أراك، إيران
  • Dr. Fatima Dast Range (Responsible Writer) أستاذ مشارك، قسم علوم القرآن والحديث، جامعة أراك، إيران
  • Dr. Aliresa is my doctor أستاذ كلية المعارف والفكر الإسلامي، جامعة طهران، إيران




Keywords: the Holy Qur’an , the Imami, the deductive approach, interpretation.


        The interpretative methodologies of the Holy Qur'an followed by the Imami Shi'a are numerous and varied. Among them is the method of interpretation according to what was narrated from the Noble Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and from the infallible Imams, peace be upon them, as well as the method that relies on the Arabic language and its grammar in interpretation, and many others.

In addition to this, there is the inferential method in the Holy Qur'an. This method is considered one of the facets of human thinking and one of the most important ways leading to truth and correct interpretation. This approach, within the Imami school of thought, is based on knowledge, not ignorance, and on research and reason, not mere transmission. In the School of Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, many scholars and jurists have emerged, such as Allamah Al-Tusi in his interpretation "Al-Tibyan," Allamah Al-Tabrasi in his interpretation "Majma' al-Bayan," Allamah Muhammad Hussein Al-Tabatabai in his interpretation "Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an," and Allamah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in his interpretation "Min Wahy al-Qur'an." This research will discuss the characteristics and methods of the inferential approach as used by Allamah Muhammad Hussein Al-Tabatabai in "Al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an" and Allamah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah in "Min Wahy al-Qur'an," aiming to understand these characteristics and grasp the significance of this methodology in correctly interpreting the Book of God. The importance of this research stems from the necessity of understanding the nature of the inferential method in elucidating the meanings of the blessed verses according to interpreters.

