Exploring the Strategies of Designing Advertising Visuals on Shampoo Bottles: Adopting Visual Grammar Approach

Exploring the Strategies of Designing Advertising Visuals on Shampoo Bottles: Adopting Visual Grammar Approach


  • Prof. Ayad Hammad Ali College of Arts University of Anbar
  • Asst. Inst. Marwah Firas Abdullah Al-Rawe College of Education for Humanities / University of Anbar




Keywords: Images, strategies, semiotics, shampoo, representational metafunction.


The study analyzes advertising images placed on the products of shampoo bottles. These images are used as a technique for advertising the shampoo products. Each image encapsulates a mosaic template, comprising variegated elements. The main objective of this research is to explore the strategies that shampoo manufacturers foster in designing the advertising images set down on the shampoo bottles. The descriptive qualitative content analysis approach is adopted. Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) model of the grammar of visual design has been utilized. (5) Samples of popular shampoo products were picked up randomly for the purpose of analysis from Pinterest.   Results reveal that manufacturers exploit different strategies in like using women image with straight hair, fruits or herbs from. Very bright alluring colors are used to highlight the ingredients along with some elucidating stereotypes of iconic expressions. The images constitute the discerning performance of the shampoo products that highly attract the consumers.


