Military activity for the Nothern Spanish regions during the era of the emirate

Military activity for the Nothern Spanish regions during the era of the emirate


  • Dr. Ali Attia Sharqi جامعة بغداد/كلية التربية(ابن رشد)


This study sheds light the importance of military activityto the Princes of Andalusia on the northern areas ofSpain, specifically from the reign of Prince AbdulRahman (138-172/755-788) to the death of PrinceMuhammad bin Abdul Rahman (273/886), is the periodof military campaigns and skirmishes between the twosides. In fact, the historical accounts indicate that internaldisturbances and sedition did not leave sufficient time forthe Prince to fight the Spaniards in their areas, and alsofailed to respond to their attacks, but in (150/768) inwhich the first military encounter between the two, andalso the novels describe Spaniards North were men andviolent war with courage and Valor, as was their leadingthe fighting themselves, which reflected the positiveimpact on the morale of the Spanish soldiers.The severity of the situation in the South, theSpanish began their war against the Muslim attack innorthern areas, the plan gave fruit especially in the secondhalf of the era of the Principality, where Muslimcampaigns are few and weak, which not only preventioncampaigns to repel aggression, as well as the Muslimcasualties not easy even when I moved to defend theIslamic Emirates of stomata in stomata-didn't work out butfell to Spanish attacks , Became Princes fall ofstrategic value in this period tend to peace treaties, andthat you do not equal or guarantee.


