Abandoning Quoting the Honourable Prophetic Hadith: An Andalusian Phenomenon

Abandoning Quoting the Honourable Prophetic Hadith: An Andalusian Phenomenon


  • Hesham Faleh Hamed AL-Iraqia University-College of Arts


There is no doubt that the Prophet’ speech (peace andblessing be upon him) was the purest among Arabs speech. He hadthe speech conventions, so it was worthy to get his speech as mainsource instead of all others in arguments in language, grammar andmorphology. But the grammar scientists took the poetry as a mainsource to select the grammatical and morphological evidences; andthe scientists argue about the Prophet’s (peace and blessing be uponhim) speech.The study unfolds the reasons of this argument; is it aphysical argument or just a delusion? If it is a real argument, wherehas it come from? And what was ancient grammar scientists’attitude about it? Did they ignore taking it as evidence? Or it wasjust a claim of Abi alhassan Bin Dhaei Alandalusi (680 AH) andhis follower Abu Hayan Alandalus (745 AH)? And what wasMiddle East grammar scientists’ attitude towards this claim? Andwho are those who agreed with Ibn Dhaei and Abu Hayan fromMiddle East grammar scientists in their claim?The paper is divided into two parts and each part consists oftwo section preceded by an introduction and closed with aconclusion.The first part was entitled as ''The Andalusian Phenomenonand the Grammarians of the First Class.'' Its first section is"Abandoning of Quoting; An Andalusian Phenomenon," and itssecond section is "The Grammarians of the First Class in the Pre-Seventh Century Hegira." The second part is entitled as "The Grammarians of theSecond Andalusian Levantine Class after the Seventh CenturyHegira," and its first section is entitled as "The Grammarians ofAndalusia," and the second is "The Grammarians of Al-Meshreq."The conclusion sums up the most important points that thewriter found in his paper.

