Mongol invasion impact on life in Baghdad scientific

Mongol invasion impact on life in Baghdad scientific


  • Dr. Abdel Moneim Hamed Abdel Ali College of Arts, Anbar University
  • Abdel Moneim Hamed Abdel Ali College of Arts, Anbar University


1.Research has shown that the Mongols baptized to disable the scientific movement in Iraq through the demolition of scientific institutions and vandalizing and burning until it ceased fully study for more than two years.2.research revealed the extent of destruction that hit the bookcases has indicated to some sources, large quantities of which had burned intentionally and others have thrown in the Tigris River while quoted some of them by the men of the Mongols to Maragheh and this process is a massacre and atrocities against science and inherited human civilization.3.research revealed that the Mongol attack that targeted al-Baghdadi society in general poured fire of anger on scientists and intellectuals has won them and killed many of them


