The trend and change in the amount of rainfall and its impact on the displacement of rain ranges in Iraq

The trend and change in the amount of rainfall and its impact on the displacement of rain ranges in Iraq


  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Baqi Khamis Hammadi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Dr. Ammar Majeed Mutlak Al-Azzawi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب


Keywords: change of rainfall, direction of rain, rain bands


A statistical analysis of rainfall data in the studied stations showed that there were clear and noticeable changes in the amount of rain. It was found that the general trend of rain during the rainy season is the decrease in the amount of rainfall over time and for all stations. The highest amount of negative change in Sulaymaniyah station was 71.7 mm. Samawah lowest in the amount of change and by 6.8 mm, and it was found through the research change in stations north of the study area higher than the total of other stations in the study area, which was reflected on the spatial direction of the spread of the phenomenon under study as the first category, Kirkuk is the focus of change in the amount of rain and it is clear that the phenomenon is moving from the northeast to the southwest.

  Also, during statistical modeling, wet years showed the highest frequency in the first half of the study period, while the dry years were concentrated at the end of the study period. This is in line with the general trend of rainfall, which was shown by the statistical test applied in the research

As a result, rainfall ranges are affected by their geographical position according to rain models. The wet model leads to the displacement of rain ranges to the south while the dry model leads to a significant shrinkage and displacement north of the study area.

