The botanical environment in the area between Dariana and Tokra, eastern Libya

The botanical environment in the area between Dariana and Tokra, eastern Libya


  • Prof. Moncef Mohammed Al-Mesmari أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية كلية الآداب جامعة بنغازي
  • Mr. Marwa Saleh Mutawal كلية البيئة جامعة بنغازي


key Word : Degradation, environment, plant, Tokra


This study dealt with the plant environment between Deriana and Tokra in eastern Libya, and the influence of this region by the Mediterranean climate was reflected in the plant environment in terms of type and characteristics. This region is famous for its drought-resistant evergreen trees and shrubs that have been able to circumvent and adapt to the semi-arid environment, where the long dry season may last up to 7 months.

Some seasonal plants, whose presence is linked to the rainy season, also grow, so they grow with the onset of rain and turn green in the spring with the onset of high temperatures. They begin to wither, leaving their bulbs and roots inside the soil to grow with the next rainy season, and so on. Like other natural plant environments, it is exposed to deterioration and fading, due to many natural and human causes that contributed directly and indirectly to the deterioration of the plant environment of the study area

