Geopolitics of US foreign aid and the war on terror (The Middle East as a model)

Geopolitics of US foreign aid and the war on terror (The Middle East as a model)


  • Dr. Suad Abdullah Muhammad كلية العلوم الإنسانية –جامعة دهوك
  • Dr.Ahme Hamed Ali كلية التربية -جامعة الموصل


keywords: foreign aid, military aid, economic aid, geopolitics


  Foreign aid is one of the most prominent foreign policy tools of the major countries in our contemporary world, as it dominates international relations between developed and developing countries. Large flows of foreign aid appear on the surface as aid for humanitarian purposes and to achieve economic development, and inwardly, aid-donor countries aim to purchase the services of recipient governments in order to protect and promote their economic and political interests. This feature becomes more evident at the beginning of the third millennium, particularly in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001. As many countries of the world receive American foreign aid, but there are few of them that enjoy large sums, and US foreign aid is one of the effective tools to achieve the goals of American foreign policy since the United States emerged into existence as a major world power after World War II. The research aims to reveal About the geopolitical dimensions and motives that led to increased interest in the security and military dimension of US foreign aid instead of interest in the developmental and economic dimensions. The aid provided by the United States of America is mainly to protect its interests, expand its influence, protect its allies, foremost of which is Israel, and strengthen its role in the world as a superpower. The largest recipients of economic and military aid in the region have remained constant over many decades, and they are Israel, Egypt and Jordan. The research also found that the percentage of military aid to the countries of the Middle East is greater compared to the previous year Economic

