Geographical Distribution of Drug Crimes in Al-Amara City from 2007-2020

Geographical Distribution of Drug Crimes in Al-Amara City from 2007-2020


  • Dr. Muthanna Nazim Dawood Salman Al-Obaidi Iraqi University / College of Arts
  • Mr. Ali Ajil Wahib Al-Khaikani Directorate of Education, Thi Qar


       Drug crimes are one of the most serious types of crimes in the history of mankind and the most prevalent among societies of different types and varieties, as they spread very quickly, leaving economic, psychological, health and social effects that have ominous consequences, and it has been observed during the recent period in the city of Amara an increase in the incidence of these crimes and remarkably this increase stands behind a multiple set of factors, which varied in terms of severity according to their type and the category of the crime committed, so it was necessary to study them and analyze their impact and extension and how they spread In it in the city In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the research sources have varied, as well as the data obtained through the questionnaire distributed to the inmates of the Central Architecture Prison sentenced to drug crimes, as the data has been classified in tables and output in clear graphs and maps and the use of statistical means to reach the truth of these crimes and then come up with results and recommendations to reduce them

