Analysis of Soil Characteristics in Selected Areas of the Iraqi Jazeera Desert.

Analysis of Soil Characteristics in Selected Areas of the Iraqi Jazeera Desert.


  • Dr. Ahmed Ayada Khudair Iraqi University / College of Arts


Keywords: soil properties, desert island, geomorphic, soil texture



           The study of soil properties is one of the studies that requires field research and laboratory work, and in this research an area of(5062 km 2) contained eleven basins from the Iraqi Jazeera desert basins, and according to geographical studies, the area was divided into four geomorphological units, which are(Sabkhat, desert lands, valleys, and floodplain) Three samples were selected for each of these units, so that the total number of these samples is (12) samples.

    The characteristics included organic matter, acidity, bulk density, total salts, electrical conductivity, as well as tissue knowledge for each sample according to the American Soil Triangle.

The laboratory results showed a discrepancy between the characteristics due to the different geomorphological units, since the mother material constituting these soils differed among themselves in terms of the nature of the geological formations. The desert lands were sandy in nature, while the floodplain units were of an alluvial mixture texture.

