Developing Strategy Knowledge for Vocabulary Learning in Speaking English as Second Language

Developing Strategy Knowledge for Vocabulary Learning in Speaking English as Second Language


  • Inst. Dr. Ayad Enad Khalaf مشرف تربوي اختصاصي دائرة التعليم الديني والدراسات الإسلامية/ بغداد


المصطلحات الاساسية: المعرفة الاستراتيجية ، المفردات اللغوية ، المحادثة ، وتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية.


Learners of English as a second language would like to learn all the language and master its four skills. Many learners may not know from where to start. Many learners may ask such questions; what should I do to learn English? How can I start? If ESL teachers followed effective strategies for teaching vocabulary, they could facilitate students’ proficiency in the four skills of English. Strategies of learning are many and various, but the more important is to raise the awareness of learners about these strategies. Developing of the metacognition of learners about strategies can lead to effective independent learning. Teachers can use developing learners’ awareness to put students at the centre of the learning process. From this point of view, it is important for teachers to prepare a good plan to develop students’ awareness of such useful strategies. Knowing the strategies of learning is an important thing for learners because they will raise their awareness about the best and the more useful ways of learning. This paper emphasizes the need to take into account the impact of developing strategy knowledge on developing the ability of the learners in memorising and learning vocabulary. It also aims to find ways which are useful for students to follow in developing their ability in defining the suitable strategies for learning, and to develop speaking skill and vocabulary specifically. The choice of this topic was according to the analysis of 28 students’ speech in their first year in the university. The results show a weakness in the field of vocabulary in speaking and suggest some ways of developing strategy knowledge in teaching vocabulary that lead to develop the ability of the learners to perform better in their learning.


