Cartographic representation of air pollutants in the city of Baghdad, using geographical information systems

Cartographic representation of air pollutants in the city of Baghdad, using geographical information systems


  • M. Marwa Salem Mohammed جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية


The research presents the concept of pollution and its degrees represented by reasonable, dangerous and deadly pollution in addition to the forms of air pollution. It also addressed the most important types of pollutants in the city of Baghdad, including hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide (co) and nitrogen oxides (NO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), while the most important sources of pollution were Air with gases is the means of transportation and industry, as well as pollutants from household uses and pollutants from solid waste. Where the highest percentage of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was registered at the University of Baghdad station, which amounted to (1,397) PPM, while the highest percentage of carbon monoxide gas was also recorded by the University of Baghdad station, which reached (7,028) PPM, and the same station also recorded the highest percentage of gas Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which reached (0,773) PPM. As for the lowest percentages recorded by Al-Andalus station in relation to Ghazi (SO2) and (CO), which amounted to (0,021) and (0,035) PPM, and the lowest percentage (NO2) was recorded by Yarmouk Station, where it reached (0,031) PPM                

