Geographical analysis of the components of the settlement of small oil refineries in Iraq and its effect on achieving sustainable development

Geographical analysis of the components of the settlement of small oil refineries in Iraq and its effect on achieving sustainable development


  • Prof. Dr. Arkan Abbas كلية التربية الاساسية – الجامعة المستنصرية


Contributing Factors in Situ and Localized Large and Important role in The Distribution and Operation of the refineries , and in effect on the economics of refining , and on the capacity of the refinery and future expansions.                                                                                                     

The factors affecting the refining industry tal and sources of fuel and energy , transport , manpower and state multiple , and include the raw material and the market , capi policy , land and water pollution and worker , and the most important factors that influence the location of the refining industry is the availability of raw material and fuel sources , energy , government policy , and should be chosen site of the refinery are included Tttaghiz crude oil to the refinery runs smoothly and safely and at lower costs in terms of providing media processing (pipelines , cars pelvic) to the sites of consumption in terms of Other so does not need it to storage for long periods of time or to stop the refinery.                       


