Prepare maps of the reality of plant production in the Essaouira district for the year 2018 using geographical information systems and remote sensing

Prepare maps of the reality of plant production in the Essaouira district for the year 2018 using geographical information systems and remote sensing


  • Prof. Shahla Zakir Tawfiq الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية الاساسية
  • M. Haider Fahim Hassan مديرية تربية بابل


         The study aims to study the agricultural reality in the district of Essaouira for the year 2017 for the areas planted with plant crops through the methods of representation of maps and satellite images taken from the satellite data (landsat 8) from the site of the US Geological Survey (USGS) with the accuracy of the distinction (30 m x 30 m) , The researcher used the applications of Arc (GIS10.4.1) and its extensions. The agricultural data were represented in several ways, such as the method of dividing circles and aggregated columns, indicating the most appropriate way to represent them with the cause, and thus indicating the areas actually cultivated by the spatial data by extracting the vegetation cover index (NDVI) and the classification method directed and extracting the area of six categories of land: saline lands, Cultivated, natural plant, water and urban cover. And give a clear picture of the agricultural reality in the study area and explain its reasons to avoid the occurrence of several subsequent problems may lead to the deterioration of the agricultural situation in the future.

      The researcher concluded that the percentage of saline and abandoned land in the east and south, along with the Tigris River at the expense of agricultural lands due to the scarcity of surface water and the continuous increase in the population, putting pressure on the city and then expanding towards agricultural land.

The study showed the potential and high potential of GIS techniques and remote sensing through mapping methods to represent statistical data and give an accurate picture of the reality of agriculture in the study area.


