The impact of wars and security events on the change of the age structure to Population of Anbar province

The impact of wars and security events on the change of the age structure to Population of Anbar province


  • Dr . Ayad Mohammed Mukhlif Al-Duleimi كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية / جامعة الانبار


Keywords: Wars - Age Structure - Anbar


The research aims to investigate the extent of the impact of wars and security events on the change of the age structure of the population of Anbar province, and based on the problem of research, the study assumes that wars and security events besides economic, social, and political factors interacted with each other and interfered in their effects, It contributed to the change in the age structure of the population of the province, different from the age structure of the population of Iraq, because the province has suffered from the scourge swelled to a different degree from the rest of Iraq, and thus the population pyramid of the population of the province in urban and rural areas appeared differently from the rest of Iraq

