employment Quranic studies in treating contemporary problems verses of judgments and their effects on preserving society

employment Quranic studies in treating contemporary problems verses of judgments and their effects on preserving society


  • Asmaa Mohammed Abbas الوقف السني – دائرة التعليم الديني والدراسات الاسلامية


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions, And in every stage of peace, the issue of the veil has surfaced again, They are raised by different entities but they mostly belong to one source in these. The case in particular, and the issue of the veil at the entrance is trying to insist our opponents from it To raise many issues, and raise various problems all related to Islam and its relationship With the other, including freedom, equality between men and women, the liberation of women, fanaticism, Democracy and others, and so the issue of the veil is fragmented to summon all these issues It consults the dialogue and debate between the various cultural, intellectual and media currents In this case, she wrote books and methods, provided treatments, and held seminars. Being a teacher and I am close to female students, I have seen that I present research in This important issue, which the media raised again and questioned its hypothesis, was presented It contains evidence and history of the veil, and the suspicions that arise around it, and outline the purposes of Sharia From this hypothesis, it must be pointed out that this modest research could be the nucleus The research is more comprehensive on issues related to the veil, such as the veil and the Western media, The veil and cultural development.

