The effect of Surat Al-Hujurat on protecting the fabric of Islamic society

The effect of Surat Al-Hujurat on protecting the fabric of Islamic society


  • Dr. Rasul Taha Khalaf ديوان الوقف السني العراقي
  • Ph.D. student: Maysoon Hayder Taha الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Praise be to God, who gave the Prophet of the qur'an and the like with him, and may God's prayers be upon the one who comes from the speech, his mosques, his family and companions, andwhoever follows him.

This is study in the Hujraat Surah, migration in the ninth year immigration, It is a civic Surah that represents it ayat Eighteen sets of rules, ethics and laws this is a special sign of this society that is being reconstructed by the Massenger.

The letter or call in this manner is a reason for the secured souls. That the people who recognized the unity of Allah and singed him in creation and approved the prophet Muhammed.

This call is to all, Al-Muhajirin wal'ansar. These who still have their Islam in its First stages… These ethics or Morality provided by Surah Al-Hujraat.

  1. Moral or Morals with Allah and his Massenger. Moral with Allah, need to take his orders, his legislation guides in any case. Moral with Massenger, that would tally with Arabs moral which never rush with his order with the father or head of the Family or the clan and the tribe, a good leader. Everyone has no right to apply to give him opinion and advice or contrary, therefore that Allah rejected in the early of Surah.

Allah ordered the believers to turn down the gibbons when they sitting with the Massenger, and they immediately practiced it, until they speak whispering.

  1. Then the Moral change with Allah and the Massenger to preachers, scientist and scholars, and this become a law, after Massenger death, believers never aloud their voice loudly in the prophat Mosque and in other Mosque.
  2. In this Surah many morals: Moral with the self, family, society, with a friends, Moral with enemy and with all people in war and peace situations and tradition and also with worship… The society commit to these morals even the become like one flesh, brothers brings them faith, and unite them obedience to the Allah and Massenger.

                     To make the benefit complete I outline in the introduction about the study of the reasons of accede, and the event mentioned between Surah and the beginning of Al-surah, and leaving the door open to everyone who want, to add; because it's constitution, or work sheet in high ethic and nice manners that Allah agree about it for this Nation and pledge with victory even they follow the Quran and Massenger. I belive Allah will never giving up about her in weekness or got sick.

