Political Renewal and Reformation in the Arab Homeland

Political Renewal and Reformation in the Arab Homeland


  • Dr.Khamees Dham Hameed College of Political Science - University of Baghdad


It is noticed at the end of the last two decades ofthe 20th century that many Arab countries are directedto pluralism again due to reason such as politicalinstability necessary for the process of development andconstruction .first, the average of growth was not up tothe required level in a state having plural system.Second , inability to reduce social difficulties leading toemigration of the elite .third, old leaders forestall powerwithout granting a space for youth leadership. Fourth,the third reason was for breaking the national unity dueto continuous civil wars and disintegration of the statesentity and its institutions and subjecting its sovereigntyand stability to dangers of foreign intervention andthreats, especially that the one party system did notensure fair and wide representation of people out ofwhich emerged beaurocracy, shortage of real staff andweak coordination .the political stability that the oneparty achieves was in form because it does not diminishthe struggle for power because politics in essence is thestruggle for power. Plurality current is reinforced afterthe fall of the communist systems (soviet unionformerly and eastern Europe) of one party system.


