Multiple reading and possibilities of meaning in Arabic poetry

Multiple reading and possibilities of meaning in Arabic poetry


  • Assistant Professor Hossam Ahmed Hashem كلية القانون/ جامعة البصرة


Reading has an effectiveness that enable us to discover the meaning layers and therefore it becomes part of the process of analyzing and grasping the whole meanings in the verbal units which are represented by a successful literary texts.

The linguistic items, sought by the reader, which the context has defined in expressing meanings and thoughts, are the main idea that has a role in delivering, clarifying and detecting the text’s meanings and indications.

Whatever the reason is, concerning the different readings and the meanings implied by the composition, critics and linguists have considered this phenomenon in different attitudes that ranged between praising and dispraising.

Some of them considered it as part of the language and the nature of poetry and a way of unrestricted use. While others consider it as a disadvantage that it could be an enough reason to some for excluding this or that in the limits of poetry profession and an excuse for not recognizing it)

