Stylistic Shift from Individualism to Cognitive system

Stylistic Shift from Individualism to Cognitive system


  • Prof. Dr.Shareef Basheer Ahmad الجامعة الموصل/ كلية الآداب


Style is a cognitive system associated with thought, awareness and philosophy. It is used in modern critical analysis which has referred to thoughtful and cognitive backgroundand to philosophy which has contributed to creating its term in literary existence. Also, pragmatics and semantics are involved in the stylistics. Much attention has been paid to style by scholars and researchers who are concerned with critical theory, cultural analysis and dynamics of thought. It is found that style has its own linguistic peculiarity in association and disassociation. Ttext producer and reader do not deal with dictionary meaning of the words. They are functionalized in such a way to carry thoughts and cultures .linguistic interaction between the stylistic formulae containing certain signals and marks make the text balanced. It is to be noted that the communication between addresser and addressee should be governed by the context of situation, cognitive relations and a series of linguistic features.

