The Islamic Science and challenge of Globalization

The Islamic Science and challenge of Globalization


  • د. جلال جميل سلمان الأزهري الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات


              Oversees Islam to carry the banner of the World divine message from the presence of the great-Jabbar to the beloved Mustafa (peace be upon him) and from the worlds of all, a guide and a teacher and savior and completer of ethics, saying: was sent to complete Makarem Alokhalaq.oulma not have been sung by the Almighty Allah said: and you are to create Great .vho the only limits to the task of truth and justice, tolerance and brotherhood among the children Baa.ohm humans Almtsawon in rights and duties, the Izz words from the man who said: (... and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God) .djal piety standard differentiation between Bani all human beings, and, led by who is perfecting and united to God, and love of the prophets and messengers (peace be upon them all) .okan slaves busy between work and Alebadh.oikdm some services and contributions to the other to without charge or favor from Ahd.ovi the midst of that reality humanitarian cloudy, The Muslims science in its heyday in the fourth and fifth centuries Alahjrien.binma was Europe and the rest of the world in the dark middle ages and underdeveloped stage, a live unanimously in (the tenth and atheist ten and even until after the thirteenth Almiladen) .olm not globalization has emerged after this soprano Name the universality of the real Islam to public, because the European Communities was disjointed, and has no Matakl worn, has entered into conflicts with its neighbors in order to survive, as well as the rumor hatred against others, and began this bad culture overwhelm to the surface, and it was their results victims of many because of the wars religious, national and political abhorrent, grew poverty and spread the colors of the disease, then plagued humanity extremists, who had Cancel my other, and after every setback see them throwing the problem on the temples priesthood, churches, and its men, and they call cries of understanding and invoked after fed up with politicians after the transformation of the clerics control to class political ruling, and Alloabiyat.nriham excuse and call invitations need to continue dialogues on the types, which had been invoked and invoked by corrupt politicians and deviants, and associated agendas evil, horns flags oriented and politicized (k religions and civilizations and convergence dialogue) as if they want to communicate their messages that they are pools of peace, The problem with the second party Abused (Arabs and Muslims) .binma history deny them that, Varahma donated (peace be upon him), he had interlocutors Vkzboh, and did not respect these conventions and treaties, and even denied his message, and deliberately to discredit Faha.ouma it was giving them opportunities, in spite of the sacrifices of his people, who are the second victims are Arabs and Arabs Amuslimn.vqlloa down, and profaned all Maimlkouna.obaka religious conflict over all ages successive Islamic, and even today Bmlaib exposed to reproduce by them many times he knew the style of all came Tabahm.thm Globalization is more than mud Blh.ohma what we'll cover in our report, which we honor your participation this annual tradition of selecting the axis of the humanities and the era of globalization, we wish for all Muwafaqiya and prevail .onicol that globalization is a strange phenomenon, heavy Guest, entered houses the province without permission, and entered disguised phenomenon benefit and goodness and peace, and inwardly harboring evil to humanity, and Dalila focus on jobs nation Aloktrmen billion and a half Muslims, spread over seven continents, poking poison in Alasl..tqtadha study divided into boot chapeau, then tenderloin; which consists of two sections and the demands of Bmodua.sntnol link in the first section: the concept of globalization, and the most important thing was said Faha.ovi second section we will look into the face of Muslims to the challenges of globalization of science and Palmarafh.vdila to mention the results and sources


