مبدأ المواطنة في السياسة الشرعية

مبدأ المواطنة في السياسة الشرعية


  • الدكتورة: صبيحة علاوي خلف الجامعة العراقية/ كلية تربية بنات


It is known a priori that Muslims belonging to various nations, does Islam eliminates this affiliation? Or combines them based on the concept of multiculturalism as a year of divine?

But the globalization of the concept of citizenship, and be Forgotten cultural differences own, and blur the identities and peculiarities of Nations because of the conflict, or political differences, often comes responses reverse this trend Ptamiqha and Tjazirha, through political ties to the deep roots or the mysterious culture, whether spiritual or historical, and as a result becomes a threat One threat to the culture or religion of his ancestors, and thus a threat to the essence of his identity.

I have been raised in recent times, this issue, which may be new to our reality but despite the newness of Islamic jurisprudence which derives from the law came down to govern the earth until God inherits is not it narrows to such concepts. Note that Western political systems based on the concept of citizenship defined, and the decision in the constitutions, and the documents adopted them.

 Was incumbent on the Muslim researcher to delve deeper into the origin and branches of the case and come out a new concept of its origin stems from the law of Islam and containers for the course of reality.



