The Political andadministrativeRoles for the Wives oftheMongols'EmperorsduringtheAbbasidEra

The Political andadministrativeRoles for the Wives oftheMongols'EmperorsduringtheAbbasidEra


  • Dr.. Suad Hadi Hassan College of Education / Ibn Rushd - University of Baghdad


The paper is an expanded study of thepoliticalandadministrativeroles of two Mongols' emperors whowere models for the political and administrative lives.They were affected by and affected the events in theMughal court. Moreover, they had other important rolesin management and construction as well as theirinterests in science and scientists and they patronisedthem. Accordingly the Mongols and their princesfocused on a number of them that they trusted them andconsulted them in several things that concern thecountry.


