اللغة العربية والتحديات المعاصرة العولمة أنموذجاً

اللغة العربية والتحديات المعاصرة العولمة أنموذجاً


  • أ.د. خديجة زبار الحمداني جامعة بغداد ـ كلية التربية للبنات
  • أ.م.د. محمد ضياء الدين خليل إبراهيم كلية الإمام الأعظم الجامعة


Due to the importance of language in the nations and peoples and individuals of life, keen powers that have adopted the project of globalization for a long time to make the languages ​​precession and excellence on other languages, language is a very serious role in the issue of globalization; because it is the tool that is achieved by mixing diverse, which aims to globalization .

  The challenge facing the Arabic language in this era due to the feeling exaggerated the importance of foreign language due mostly to a fascination with all that is foreign, and false to think that progress does not come only through mastery of these foreign to all language, Valola foreign verbally much people can leave the Arab word facilitator to the word strange.

The research aims to reveal the most prominent effects of globalization on the left by the Arabic language in this day and age, and through the manifestation of tools and linguistic analysis of globalization.



