The efficiency of the distribution of government educational institutions university in the city of Baghdad Using geographic information systems (GIS)

The efficiency of the distribution of government educational institutions university in the city of Baghdad Using geographic information systems (GIS)


  • د. براء كامل عبدالرزاق العاني الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • م.م عبدالباقي خميس حمادي المحمدي الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The education sector is the first and fundamental pillar in the progress and development of communities is one of the most basic human needs, education is transferred from an underdeveloped society and mom-to-advanced society able to keep up with scientific progress and technological and cultural .

      Here comes the role of higher education and its institutions to achieve what aspire planners, The university educational institutions in Baghdad, a group of senior Iraqi universities, and to the fact that Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and the center of intellectual and cultural emits also represents the greatest weight of the population, and includes five universities are the University of Baghdad, Mustansiriya University and the University of technological and the University of  Alnahreen and Aliraqia university as well as technical education, which includes a range of colleges and institutes .

     The spatial distribution of these universities and colleges in the city of Baghdad, honor geographical maps and descriptive side. Was used as the analytical side to get to know the efficiency of the spatial distribution, and through the use of geographic information systems in this field techniques and that thanks to its capabilities in the spatial distribution of geographical phenomenon analysis, has been the use of an analysis (standard distance) for educational institutions, has also been used way analysis (technical link neighborhood or presumption neighbor proximity), and show through these two methods, which is one of the most important means of geographic analysis that the spatial distribution of most colleges streaked imbalance, as a result of spatial concentration in the center of the city, which in turn causes many problems within the city.





