استراتيجيات التنمية الثقافية للشباب الجامعي في ضوء تحديات العولمة الثقافية

استراتيجيات التنمية الثقافية للشباب الجامعي في ضوء تحديات العولمة الثقافية


  • أ. د. ايمان عبد الكريم ذيب صالح


The problem with the search in the failure to find an integrated program or a clear strategy for the development of university youth in the Arab world culture, and everything has been viewed is a set of literature may be accompanied by actions and measures sporadic process, and on a number of prevention of the effects of globalization in general, youth-oriented plans for other age groups, the plans can not be underestimated and somewhat effective, and can form in itself important elements despite the lack of focus necessarily on the psychological aspects of personal target, essential elements to prepare the Arab program for human development, on the grounds that this program It should be the focus of every possible protection from the effects of globalization and its repercussions.

