إشكالية بناء المجتمع المدني في العراق

إشكالية بناء المجتمع المدني في العراق


  • أ.د. بشرى محمود الزوبعي الجامعة المستنصرية


It seems that destiny has wanted first you are a country where the idea of ​​democracy and the exchange of opinion in Sumeria before 4,500 years to restore the establishment of an Iraqi to a new culture based on democracy and a civil society which is meant to autism and work according to what you want the government and this is what we have observed in the resolution of the the Iraqi government and the No. number 8750 dated 8/8/2005 and despite the fact that the Iraqi government's decision seems to have infected after an outbreak of administrative corruption in some institutions of society, especially related to Iraqi government institutions, representing most of the Iraqi personnel slices (1), and therefore our need for change because of change in life and that he wants civil society forces of change and reflection for the future and be a photo chronicles drawn accurately shrug any political cartoonist that touches or stabbing scene and the idea of ​​civil society organizations that are trying through leaflets research shed light on the role of civil society organizations in building society

