The Geographical Analysis of Indicators for Assessing the Efficiency of Industrial Performance of the Cotton Factory in Baghdad governorate- Al Kadhumiah Area for (2013-2018 A.D)

The Geographical Analysis of Indicators for Assessing the Efficiency of Industrial Performance of the Cotton Factory in Baghdad governorate- Al Kadhumiah Area for (2013-2018 A.D)


  • Assistant Professor Doctor Arkan Risan Abbas كلية التربية الاساسية/ الجامعة المستنصرية


         Cotton industries are important and vital industries , which have received the support and attention of many countries of the world and from various political and economic systems , their ability to absorb a large number of labor and reduce the unemployment rate , which in turn build the fundamentals of solid economy and the development of social structure in many from developing country regions , the research refers to the study of evaluating the performance efficiency in the qatniyah plant – Baghdad governorate – kadhimiya district and the importance of using economic standards and their role in evaluating the performance of the factory to show the strengths and weaknesses in its productive activity during the period specified for the study (2013-2018) , the possibility of exporting various cotton products , which greatly affected the profitability and became the factory is unable to develop its production capacity and expand it to enter the field of international competition with its products , which uses raw cotton as a competitive advantage



