Estimating the quantity of plastic bottles produced by the College of Education for Human Sciences / Diyala University for the 2015-2016 academic year

Estimating the quantity of plastic bottles produced by the College of Education for Human Sciences / Diyala University for the 2015-2016 academic year


  • Inst. Nisreen Hadi Rasheed Al-Kakhi جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية


The research tackles an important environmental problem that most of the cities of Iraq in general and the city of Baquba suffer from. This is the problem of the accumulation of drinking water bottles from the College of Education for Human Sciences / Diyala University for the 2015-2016 academic year. West of the city of Baquba on the right side of the Diyala River along the external transport route of Baquba - Old Baghdad, specifically within the 27 / Katoun district between the two latitudes (99 33, 47 33) north of the equator and between latitudes (35 44, 40 44) east of Kring line. The study concluded that the quantity of plastic drinking water bottles in the morning study was higher than the evening. The study concluded that the quantity of plastic drinking water bottles in the morning study was higher than that of the evening. (400.65) kg, while it reached (89.4) kg for the evening study of the same year. At the level of sections, we found that the Department (Arabic) has recorded the highest quantity of plastic bottles reached (104.24) kg compared to the rest of the sections, Quran) Record the lowest quantity of bottles reached (43.71) Kg for the morning study. The Department of English has recorded the highest quantity of plastic bottles (23.92 g) compared with the rest of the departments. The Department of Psychological and Educational Sciences recorded the lowest quantity of bottles (8.15) kg for the evening study for the previous school year. The final result is that the quantity of flasks reached for the academic year 2015-2016 during the first round only reached (490.05) kg in the college.

The research relied on the method of predicting the future and statistical in the estimation of the quantity of plastic bottles resulting from the college in 2030, if the college continued to follow the same method in the final examinations, the researcher found that the amount of plastic bottles of the kidney reached (793.24) kg during the academic year 2029 - 2030. In the case of consumption of drinking water drink only one. The researcher recommends a set of solutions to this problem, most importantly replacing plastic bottles with other cardboard or glass, recycling plastic bottles and turning them into fuel to be used by the college in other areas.

