Al-Jawhar Al-Thameen in the History of Al Basrian Grammarians in Al-Wafi Bil Wafiat by Alsafdy (576 A.H/ 1363 A.D)

Al-Jawhar Al-Thameen in the History of Al Basrian Grammarians in Al-Wafi Bil Wafiat by Alsafdy (576 A.H/ 1363 A.D)


  • Doctor Liqaa Ghazi Abd Al Kareem الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية الأساسية


The books of autobiography in general, and the book titled Al-Wafi Bil Wafiat  by Al Safady in particular  are of great importance in studying and reporting many visual figures that had a great impact in various science. This confirms the abundance of their books and their creation of science that were not well known at that time.


And that had great impact on our souls to study and get to know these personalities through Al-Wafi Bil Wafiat so we chose to study the Basry grammarians through it.


This is because of the importance of grammar in the city of Basra and Kufa, as these two cities became the most important cultural centers in the Islamic Arab state in the first century AH and for the first time a grammar school and linguists were established there.

